var mode = 1;var d_start_date = '2012-08-10';var d_end_date = '2013-04-20';var d_mn = 'The Next Generation Series';var d_s_mn = 'NxGen Series';var d_mc = '24428B';var d_logo = 1;var d_meno = '

The NextGen Series is a European football club cup competition for under-19 footballers. It was designed to provide players with the opportunity to match themselves against other elite European footballers of their age group in a competitive environment.

The competition was created by sports TV producer Justin Andrews and Brentford sporting director Mark Warburton.

Team participating in the NextGen series are limited to a squad size of no more than eighteen members. There is an age limit of 18 on players participating in the competition. However, each club has the option of having three players who are one year older than this, although only a maximum of two of them are allowed to be on the pitch at any one time.

Match rules for the series, other than the age cap, are the same as those stipulated by the International Football Association Board, meaning that they are identical to those of most other international tournaments.
