2005-2006 Northern Ireland Premier League - Standings
Last Update:2006-6-18 12:08:28
Northern Ireland Premier League Statistics of the latest Standings
¡¡Games Played 240 100.00%
¡¡Games Unplayed 0 0%
¡¡Home Win 89 37.08%
¡¡Draw 55 22.92%
¡¡Away Win 96 40.00%
¡¡Total Goals 741 3.09 Goals Average
¡¡Home Goals 377 1.57 Goals Average
¡¡Away Goals 364 1.52 Goals Average
¡¡Best Attack Team Linfield FC, 88 Goals
¡¡Home Best Attack Team Linfield FC, 43 Goals
¡¡Away Best Attack Team Linfield FC, 45 Goals
¡¡Worst Attack Team Ards FC, 30 Goals
¡¡Home Worst Attack Team Ards FC, 13 Goals
¡¡Away Worst Attack Team Loughgall FC, 15 Goals
¡¡Best Defense Team Linfield FC, 23 Goals
¡¡Home Best Defense Team Linfield FC, 11 Goals
¡¡Away Best Defense Team Linfield FC, 12 Goals
¡¡Worst Defense Team Armagh City, 69 Goals
¡¡Home Worst Defense Team Ards FC, 36 Goals
¡¡Away Worst Defense Team Armagh City, 41 Goals