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Name: Israel
Trigraname: ISR
Official Name: Medinat Yisra'el
Capital: Tel Aviv
Continent: Europe
Establish: 1948-5-14
Major cities: Tel Aviv,Haifa,Rishon LeZiyyon,Petah Tiqwa,Ramat Gan,Beersheba,Nazareth
Currency: New Israeli shekel
Official languages: Hebrew, Arabic
Motto: Resurrection
Surface Area(km2): 20,770
Highest point: Mount Meron 1208m
Neighbouring countries: Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Egypt
Neighbouring seas: Mediterranean Sea, Dead Sea, Gulf of Aqaba
Population: 7,237,384
GDP per capita (PPP): 25,250.56
Density (inhabitants per km2): 294.49
Average age (in years): 28.9000
Life expectancy at birth (in years): 79.0200
Internet code: .il
Number of internet users: 3,700,000
Percentage of Internet Users: 51.12%
Time zone / Time difference with beijing: GMT-02:00 / -6.0000
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