Name: |
South Sudan |
Trigraname: |
Official Name: |
Republic of South Sudan |
Capital: |
Juba |
Continent: |
Africa |
Establish: 2011-7-9 |
Major cities: Juba,Torit,Rumbek,Malakal,Wau,Bor |
Currency: South Sudanese pound (SSP) |
Official languages: English |
Motto: Justice, Liberty, Prosperity |
Surface Area(km2): 619,745 |
Highest point: Kinyeti 3187m |
Neighbouring countries: Ethiopia,Congo,Kenya,Uganda,Central African,Sudan |
Neighbouring seas: None |
Population: 8,260,490 |
GDP per capita (PPP): |
Density (inhabitants per km2): 14 |
Internet code: .ss |
Time zone / Time difference with beijing: GMT+03:00 / -5.0000 |