Establish: 1867-7-1 |
Major cities: Toronto,Montreal,Vancouver,Ottawa,Calgary,Edmonton,Quebec,Winnipeg |
Currency: Canadian dollar |
Official languages: English, French |
Motto: From sea to sea (A mari usque ad mare). |
Surface Area(km2): 9,976,140 |
Highest point: Mount Logan 5,959m |
Neighbouring countries: United States |
Neighbouring seas: Atlantic Ocean, Labrador Sea, Beaufort Sea, Arctic Ocean, Pacific Ocean |
Population: 32,440,970 |
GDP per capita (PPP): 37,321.48 |
Density (inhabitants per km2): 3.23 |
Average age (in years): 37.8000 |
Life expectancy at birth (in years): 79.8300 |
Internet code: .ca |
Number of internet users: 22,000,000 |
Percentage of Internet Users: 67.82% |
Time zone / Time difference with beijing: GMT-05:00 / -13.0000 |